A place to encounter God and have fun


At Souled Out and Bethesda Church we believe that the parents are the ones primarily responsible for making disciples (Deuteronomy 6:4-8).  Therefore, it is vitally important for us to provide parents with the tools, resources and information they need to disciple their kids.  This page will be under construction as we gather resources that will help you accomplish the task God has given you as a parent.  Thank you for your patience as we work together to mold your teens into disciples of Jesus Christ.

Online Resources


This organization is dedicated to bridging the cultural & generational gap between teenagers and their parents.  It provides many free resources to help you understand youth culture and keep you informed about the things your teenagers are dealing with on a daily basis.  You can sign up for their weekly E-update and browse the resources they provide on their website.


Mark Gregston along with his wife founded Heartlight ministries after working with troubled teens through Young Life.  Through his experience working with teenagers for over 30 years he has gained valuable wisdom that is beneficial for parents of all teenagers.  His blog provides helpful parenting tips.  They also have a weekly radio program that airs every weekend and can be listened to online as well.  He has also written several books directed more towards those parents who are struggling with a difficult teenager.


The mission statement on Homeword’s website is, “HomeWord seeks to advance the work of God in the world by educating, equipping, and encouraging parents and churches to build God-honoring families from generation to generation.”  Jim Burns is the founder of Homeword and they have many resources that help parents.  They have devotionals for parents, weekly radio broadcasts and much more.  Jim Burns has also written many books that are designed to help parents such as Faith Conversations for Families.  Browse through their website and see if there is something there that can help you.


This website is intended for parents to help navigate the digital world that their teens live in.  The site is a branch off of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (CPYU) which is mentioned above.  Walt Mueller is a respected voice in youth ministry and youth culture.  Visit their resources page to see downloadable handouts (such as “A Parents Guide to Sexting”),  fact sheets, research/news, media, suggested reading and suggested links.

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